At Goodridge Strength and Conditioning, we use performance therapy to get you past nagging aches and pains. Performance therapy bridges the gap between modern day physical therapy and human performance. Integrating both performance and therapy helps us optimize movement and enhance performance. Through therapeutic input we change the way you move. We do this through movement screens, assessments, and corrective exercise. We help you feel, move, and perform better by restoring, optimizing, enhancing, and maintaining movement. We improve quality of movement through body tempering and manual therapy techniques for soft tissue mobilization, regeneration, range of motion, activation, movement preparation, reaction, power, resistance, and energy systems training techniques to improve muscular strength and endurance. 

We focus on getting your body healthy, stronger, and more efficient in your daily routine. We cover the whole spectrum from the general population to elite athletes and our holistic approach gets results. Most can feel a difference in their bodies very quickly, if not immediately. There is a reason why the pros train how they train and we take a joint-by-joint approach to mobilize and strengthen each area of the body. We focus on postural restoration and functional movement. Our programs are scientifically proven to optimize performance and we take an evidence based approach to better health, wellness, and performance. It doesn't matter if you are an elite athlete or if you are just trying to get back in shape, our training is here to help you achieve any goal. 

"Malcolm's experience working with world renowned strength coaches, physical therapists, and performance experts has made him a rising star in the strength and conditioning world. Combined with his unrelenting passion for success and commitment to hard work, Malcolm's expertise makes him an invaluable asset to every person that he works with."
- Brady Flynn, DPT
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